The Collaborative Commons III Building the Collaborative Commons

Ekim Tan
3 min readJan 23, 2023


1. Themes and Cases

The platform allows cases to be gathered on the world map based on their locations and filtered according to the themes they are working on.Based on our experiences so far we foresee themes such as plan-making, affordable housing, climate adaptation, transport planning, [urban] regeneration, public safety, alternative food chains, materials and resources. Eventually new communities are free to propose own themes that will automatically appear on the filter function.

2. Communities

Potential platform users are communities who already in real life built well-defined unions yet require the continuity and integration of their processes into the digital world, such as the union of local governments, organized resident groups, research teams, company clusters, design curators joining a biennale and many more. Typically these are organizations which utilize relevant digital tools with a spatial, social, technical and ecological dimension. On Community Profile pages, communities will be able to gather their partners, select and combine relevant online tools, build their timelines [wireframe, frame #x] by indicating the length and collective goals set for their particular process. Obviously the platform will offer a multi-user login for distinct communities with privacy security offered to all communities, yet also open to connect and enable communication among communities on the basis of their mutual interests [wireframe, frame #x].

3. Testing and publishing collaborative online tools

Behind the scenes our team will be finding, reviewing and adding new tools with open source codes as they become available. We warranty the continuous updates of these tools on the platform. As explained in earlier section, the platform will offer a carefully selected set of collaborative digital tools serving the various needs of communities. For each community and case the combination can be customized.

4. Integration of selected online collaborative tools

As the platform will work with the principle of open source tools or tools which allow their outputs to be integrated with other tools, redevelopment and combination of independent tools will become possible. Together with planners, designers and social and communication scientists working in our team, an experienced coder will undertake the code integrations, based on the research, experiment and observations of which meaningful integrations are and will be needed.


Relevant Books & Articles

Alexander, C., Neis, H., Anninou, A., & King, I. F. (1987). A new theory of urban design. Oxford University Press.

Beck, U., Risk Society: : Towards a New Modernity, SAGE Publications Ltd, 1992.

Cho, A., Jazz Process, The: Collaboration, Innovation, and Agility, 2010.

Giddens, A., The Consequences of Modernity, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1996.

Portugali, J. (2000). Self‐organization and the city. Springer.

Tan, E. (2014). Negotiation and design for the self‐ organizing city: Gaming as a method for urban design. TU Delft.

Tan, E., Network of Games: An Ecology of Games Informing Integral and Inclusive City Developments, Journal of Urban Planning, 2022.

Tzonis, A., & Lefaivre, L. (1975). Development of the pop‐ ulist movement in architecture. Harvard University, Department of Architecture.

Relevant Reports

Technical Report 4.1, Urban Governance and Planning, Polycentric governance and human-centred, inclusive urban design, London School of Economics and Political Sciences, 2022.

Leveraging GovTech for citizen participation, Innovative policymaking for the digital era, Digital Future Society, Mobile World Capitol, Barcelona

CivicLab, A tool for development, analysis and forecasting of options in the decision-making process, Council of Europe



Ekim Tan

architect, urbanist, game designer, writer, founder of Play the City and Games for Cities